حياتنا مع المسيح | our life with christ  حياتنا مع المسيح  | our life with christ

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hardest week for Egyptian Christians 2022

hardest week for Egyptian Christians

In less than 1 week

 A priest got slaughtered in Alexandria by a terrorist whom the news described as a “psychopath and mentally unstable” and the government is too weak to take an action against him.
 A famous restaurant refused to let a Christian lady and her daughter dine in before iftar time. 
 Official government newspaper publishes a paragraph and asks (what is the judgment for selling food in Ramadan during fasting time to infidels?) and describes christians by “infidels”!! 
 A sudden disappearance of a christian lady and her daughter, who later posted a video showing her horrified while claiming she converted to islam.

 In the mean time  social media explodes because of these accidents, and still you can see comments posted by sick mentalities and minds full of hate, terrorism and racism describing their happiness for what happened and the progress had been done.

in april 2022



✙ حياتنا مع المسيح ✙ موقع إلكتروني يومي يقدم و ينقل كل ما هو عن المسيحية من أخبار , أسئلة, سير قديسين , صلوات , صور , ترانيم وهو يعتبر أرشيف لكل الأسئلة التى تدور حول المسيحية ، فقط قم بإدخال بريدك الإلكتروني للإشتراك في بريد الموقع السريع ليصلك جديد الموقع أولاً بأول ، كما يمكنك إرسال رسالة بالضغط على زر المايك ...

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حياتنا مع المسيح | our life with christ